Inspiring a transformation in contractual management at Postobón with Webdox CLM

Centralization of documents in a digital repository.
Experience a significant boost in agility in contract lifecycle management with Webdox CLM.
Witness a significant reduction in paper and ink consumption, contributing to a more sustainable environment, with Webdox CLM.
"With the Webdox CLM contract management software, we aim to strengthen trust and credibility with our stakeholders by administrating the life cycle of the contracts we sign with them from a digital environment."
Postobón: leader in the beverage market in Colombia
Postobón stands out as an undisputed leader in the Colombian beverage market. Founded in 1904, it currently reaches 90% of the national territory thanks to its extensive logistics and distribution network, serving more than 450,000 customers. With a team of approximately 11,000 employees, Postobón is not only a pioneer in sustainability but is also among the ten companies with the highest social-private investment in the country.
The company offers a diverse portfolio with over 35 recognized brands, including Postbomb, Colombian, Brittany, Pepsi, 7 Up, Hit, Mr. Tea, Crystal Water, H2Oh!, Gatorade, and Lipton Tea. Postobón is part of the Ardila Lülle Organization, one of Latin America's most crucial business conglomerates.
Business Challenge
In its intense operational and transactional activity, Postobón faced the challenge of handling a considerable volume of daily documentation, especially in sales. The absence of a unified digital platform for centralizing document management involved reliance on physical files and manual processes, resulting in security risks, administrative inefficiencies, and high paper consumption.
This situation obstructed a holistic view of customer relationships, negatively impacting the management of key business indicators. Additionally, the need to manually sign more than 10,500 monthly contracts presented a significant obstacle to the operational agility required by a company of Postobón's caliber.
Impact on business
Adoption of the solution Webdox CLM has marked a before-and-after for Postobón, allowing Complete digital management of the contract life cycle. This advance has optimized commercial relationships, providing greater value for the company and its clients.
With Webdox, Postobón has improved risk management, control of critical indicators, and the preservation of documents through digital repositories. Streamlining the contractual process through workflows efficiently on the platform has improved speed without compromising the security and reliability of each signed agreement, positively transforming the operation and sustainability of Postobón in the market.
"For example, we have reduced the time it takes to process a contract from days to hours, and we have significantly reduced the number of errors in our contracts."
Postobon key results
- Centralization of documents in a digital repository.
- Contractual risk management.
- Agility in managing the contract life cycle.
- Reduction in the use of paper and printing inks.